Sunday, April 10, 2011

My first love (part 1).

I guess now that I'm blogging more frequently I really should start from the beginning, dating wise anyway.  So let's do that, shall we?

I met My First Love in high school.  Actually when I met him he'd been dating one of my best friends, and that lasted all of maybe 2 weeks.  I know, I know, I kind of broke girl code by dating an ex of one of my bff's.  But let's be real, this was in high school, it lasted no more than a couple weeks and when she broke up with him she had me listen in on another phone in her house.  She couldn't have been that interested in him, right?!  That's how I look at it anyway.  Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, that wasn't the first time I met him, he dated another girl I'd met in high school before my bff.  Wow, it's all coming back to me now.  Anyway, when those two dated they were in one of our groups for a school dance where we all took a limo and went to dinner and the dance together.  But we barely spoke.  Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I met him my 10th grade year and we became friends when he dated my bff, I was the only one who was nice to him at our lunch table.  We started dating when we were 16 and he was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first...everything.  If you catch my drift.  He was really great, very attentive and he always did the sweetest things for special holidays and anniversaries.  We were madly in love and dated (on and off) for almost 4 years.  It's funny, we managed to survive a year of college apart yet ended up breaking up when I changed colleges to be closer to him.  That's ok, those things happen.

It's funny that I bitched about mentioned people only text these days, when back in 10th grade all we did was IM each other on AOL.  Ahhh, the sweet sound of dial-up, how I don't miss you!  Anyway, we would spend hours after school and on weekends IM'ing each other and we really were just friends for a little while.  Actually his two best friends both asked me out and I just wasn't into them that way.  The dance we all went to as a group, I actually went with one of his best friends.  Oh my gosh, how horrible of friends were we to these people?!  I'm just now realizing this.  I digress.  So after we were IM'ing for a couple weeks he started calling me and we'd talk after school on the phone every. single. day.  I was in heaven!  I obviously started liking him A LOT and he felt the same, however he also liked my friend (the one he previously dated for 2 weeks) so it took him awhile to finally ask me out.  I was SO excited!  I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was actually 11 years ago.  I was getting ready to go babysit my neighbors kid for a few hours, so I had to get off the phone.  He said he had something to ask me before we got off the phone, and he said the most beautiful words I had ever heard, "I just wondered if you would be my girlfriend."  I probably wanted to scream "FUCK YES!"  But I held that in and gave a little giggle and said "YES!" probably a little too quickly because he responded with, "what, were you waiting for me to ask you or something?"  Uhhhh, YES no, I'm totally cool man, I'm just living in the moment.  What does he think?!  OF COURSE I WAS WAITING FOR YOU TO ASK ME OUT!

The next day we had our "first date" if you can call it that.  Meaning we went and walked around the mall holding hands until they got so sweaty because we were so nervous that we had to break apart.  That was also the evening of my FIRST KISS.  Swoon!  We were in his truck, getting ready to leave the mall, when he planted one on me!  It was heavenly, it was magical, I'm pretty sure I saw fireworks!  It was the exact way I had pictured my first kiss to be.  And then he had to ruin it by telling me I was a good kisser.  Now I say he ruined it, but I'm sure back then I was elated that he thought so since he knew I'd never kissed anyone before.  Ahhh, the good ole days when I still had (most of) my innocence.  So before our first date he had to meet my parents since he was my bf and he was going to be driving me places (he, like, so totally already had his drivers license and his own truck, eek!) and that went fine.  Me meeting his parents for the first time, however, not as great as I'd hoped it would be.  I mean, this was my first experience in dating EVER and now I'm meeting his parents a couple weeks later, I was so nervous!  So, we went to this steak place, which would normally be my idea of Heaven on Earth because I loooove steak, but instead I ordered a chicken caeser salad because I don't like when other people pay for me at restaurants so I always try to get the cheap thing.  As soon as his mother opened her mouth about it I knew this (she and I) was going to be a match made in HELL.  "Ahhh, I remember our first date when I ordered a salad because I didn't want you to think I was fat."  Wow.  Really?!  Thanks for making me feel like a schmuck the first time we meet, greatly appreciated!  From then on it was downhill, I truly only got along with that woman when I faked a smile and went along with what she said, which wasn't a lot.

To be continued...


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