Friday, April 22, 2011


I hope nobody from work ever stumbles across this little beauty, I'd probably get my ass canned.

With that being said, I'd like to rant a little bit about my Executive Director.  He's pretty much already told me I have this promotion, so why I need to still have the interview and shit is beyond me, but I guess those are the rules.  Whatever.  Anyway, he's super thrilled that I decided to apply and step up for this job...mainly he's excited because now he'll be saving money in our budget.  Because with the other person leaving and me swooping in, that means it's one less person to pay since my old job will then be obsolete.  He literally told me this.  Thanks a lot douche bag!

At my work we have the option of a 4 or 5 day work week.  When I was hired on I didn't really get an option, the position was for a 4 day work week.  Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely ok with this! Especially considering I came from working at the airport which, in case y'all didn't know, is open every single day of the year.  Holidays, weekends, blizzards.  We're like mailmen, except we don't get federal holidays and Sundays off.  I digress.  So generally I work Mon-Thur from 7:30-6pm.  Well since this guy I'm taking over for is only here until April 29 my boss wanted me to get as much training in as I can and told me to go ahead and come in on Friday (today), even if it meant I'd have overtime.  Well, yesterday before my ED left he said something about how I'll be off for the weekend, right?  I told him I'd actually be there tomorrow so I could train more.  He says, " are you working a 5 day week then?"  This was at 5:49, the people who work a 5 day work week work from 8:30-5pm, so why would I still fucking be here you moron?!  I told him that this week I'd be working 5 days.  He mulls this over and says, "like...overtime?"  No you dip shit, I'm working for free.  Really?!  So I replied with something like, "well, yeah, I guess so.  Melissa wants me to get in as much training as I can since he leaves next Friday and I won't be here," and then I turned around and continued working on my background checks.  Fuck off.  If you're going to worry about the 6 hours of overtime you're going to pay me then you can kiss my ass.  I just do what I'm told by MY BOSS.  Thank goodness I have the nicest/coolest boss in the entire fucking world, and she totally had my back when he called her as soon as he left yesterday.  Totally knew that was going to happen.

I feel that I should mention that my ED somehow made a miracle happen by getting this job.  He knows absolutely nothing about any of the things we do and just kisses the Board of Directors' asses constantly.  And he doesn't do anything all day long except go from office to office seeing what people are doing and acting like he's working.  He makes me so mad!

Not to mention one day my boss called me into her office to tell me that "someone" had said I was on a personal phone call on my cell phone earlier that morning.  Ok, well it could've only been my ED because he was the only person who saw me on the phone that early in the morning.  And, news-fucking-flash dip shit, I was talking to our IT company because we were getting new computers and mine was the first to arrive and I was having problems because my email and printers weren't set up on it and I'm not allowed to set them up since I'm not an administrator.  Oh, did I mention I was on the WHITE phone at my desk, not my BLACK iPhone with a BLACK cover on it?  He just makes shit up, I swear!  And the only reason he even complained was because a tenant came in for an appointment and he actually had to help someone.  Heaven fucking forbid.  So I told my boss what I was really  doing and he had mentioned to her later that I looked like I was scurrying by him in the hallway.  She straight up told him that I knew it was him and that I was on the phone with the IT people on the work phone.  What does he say?  "Well, I didn't say it was a cell phone, I just thought it sounded like a personal call."  How did it sound that way?!  I was on the phone for a total of 30 seconds by the time you got to the front office you dumb ass.  And why didn't he just ask me?!  Do you not run this entire Housing Authority?!  No balls.  At all.  Ugh, douche.

Other than that though, I really do love my job.  Most of my co-workers are awesome and I love helping the people!  Now if we could just work on getting a new ED...

P.S. These are the two cars I'm looking at getting, they seem super similar to me, the Cruze and the new Focus.  Any suggestions/comments on whether one is better than the other?  This is my first NEW CAR purchase...if all goes well anyway!


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