Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back in the day.

I was watching He's Just Not That Into You a few days ago and I was intrigued by something Drew Barrymore's character said.  "I had this guy leave me a voice mail at work so I called him at home and then he e-mailed me to my Blackberry and so I texted to his cell and then he e-mailed me to my home account and the whole thing just got out of control. And I miss the days when you had one phone number and one answering machine and that one answering machine has one cassette tape and that one cassette tape either had a message from a guy or it didn't. And now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It's exhausting." I mean, seriously!  What happened to those days?  Everyone's relationships are via text now.  My bf's never call me like they do when we first start dating.  That's incredibly annoying to me.  All I want is a guy that's going to call me, instead of doing all of these around about things to get ahold of me.  Also, when you first meet a guy and you're getting to know them, what do they do?  They text you.  I am beyond over that.  The next person I date is going to have to do a lot of things to get to me.  I'm not going to be able to full give myself to someone unless they really deserve it.  It's unfortunate when you think someone is that person and they turn out to be just like all the rest.  Is it so much to want a guy to call you?  To stop by out of nowhere?  To write you a note and leave it in your purse so you found it unexpectedly?  It's the little things really, and even though guys know that's what we want, most of them never do it.  I'm confused by that.

There's nothing worse than thinking you're getting everything from your man.  Basically what I mean is that you spend all this time with your man and you think you know him, you guys plan your whole life together and you're open with him about what you want and who you are, you think you're getting the same from him and when things get too serious or too real, they cut and run.  What's that about?  I thought we wanted the same things?  I thought we wanted them together?  Oh, we did want them together until things started getting too real, until we started fighting.  Then you don't want those things anymore and you can no longer see us being together.  Well thanks, that makes me feel all tingly inside.  I really appreciate that.  Men are the devil.

Moving on from all this heavy talking I've been doing lately.  I'm truly interested in following blogs that are just guys or girls talking about their adventures in life, it's so fun to see the things you have in common with people you've never met, people who are hundreds or thousands of miles away from you.  But for some reason whenever I hit that "next blog" button all I find are the families.  I guess for me having a family blog or a blog shared with your husband is kind of like having a shared Facebook.  I don't get it.  I mean, you can have a blog all by yourself and share your life stories involving your husband and/or kids, but that doesn't mean you both need to be on the blog.  Actually, from what it seems, most of the time it's just like it is on Facebook, the woman (usually) creates the Facebook/blog and puts JohnJane Doe and really it's just Jane doing all the updating, but she feels the need to have her husband on there too.  To me, people who share Facebooks are people who can't fully trust their significant other.  Like they need to check up on them and make sure they aren't doing anything they shouldn't be doing, so they put both their names on it so both their friends have to be on the one page.  I wish more people would live their lives separately from their significant other.  Don't get me wrong, I'm the kind of person who wants to spend as much time with mine as I can, but I also don't revolve my entire world around them.  Anyway, I got off topic there.  I just wish there were more search options on Blogger.  Maybe there is and I just don't know about them, so if anyone knows of a way to search them that would be great!

I've been on a movie watching kick lately.  I've been spending a lot of days at home, alone and watching movies.  It's been quite relaxing actually.  I should do this more often.  There's a few movies in theaters that I'm really interested in seeing:  Adjustment Bureau, Water for Elephants, Limitless, Hanna, Sourcecode, Lincoln Lawyer, The Hangover II, and probably a few more that I can't think of currently.  Has anyone seen any of those yet?  Well, I know you haven't seen Hangover yet, but that is sure to be hysterical.  I saw the newest trailer and I almost died laughing.  Those guys crack me up!  I'd really like to read Water for Elephants before seeing the movie, but I'm not sure if I can wait that long.  First I'd have to go and get a library card and all that, because I don't really want to buy the book, and that just seems like a hassle.  Although I think one of my friends may own it, I'll have to inquire about that.  What are some movies you guys are interested in seeing?

Stumbled across this and pretty much agree with it completely.  Wild!


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