Monday, November 14, 2011

Hi there...remember moi?!

Hello my lovelies!  I have returned!  Talk about a ridiculously long hiatus, ugh.  I'm a horrible blogger.

Ok, let's get right down to it, shall we?!  We shall.  I'm here to talk about my weekend in Chicago with SM!

Let me start by saying that I was SO excited for this day to finally come, that I only got one hour of sleep the night leading up to it.  Ugh, what a mistake, but I couldn't help it!  I was ready and raring to go, I just needed time to go FASTER!  I'd gotten my spray tan on, since I'm sickeningly pale; I'd gotten my nails and toes did; I'd gotten a trip to the bangs and a waxing to the brows!  I was SET!  So, around 4am I decide to quit fighting it and just get up to shower.  Tried to take as much time as possible so the time would pass quicker, but it didn't really work.  Anyway, fast forward 6 hours and I'm in Chicago (well, a suburb anyway) and was slightly totally freaking out from excitement!  One of my girlfriends rode with me and we met her cousin in the Best Buy parking lot (did I mention SM worked there when he was younger??  Just a side note, because I'm a total dork) and she went up to Milwaukee to hang with him for a weekend getaway.  Once I was on my own, and on my way to pick up SM from his dad's, I was so so so nervous.  I was like, shaking-hands-butterflies-in-my-stomach nervous.  So, I get to his dad's house and finally see him for the first time in real life...and he was gorgeous, just as I knew him to be from his pictures and our Skype dates.  Only this time, I could touch him.  Got our initial meeting out of the way and decided to go grab a bite to eat (thank goodness) at Panera.  I'm totally not familiar with the area, so he drove everywhere we went during the weekend.  So, ate at Panera, got some coffee/hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts (we're both obsessed) and then headed for the city.  We had a couple hours before we could check into the hotel, so we decided to walk around Navy Pier for a little bit.  It wasn't bad, not too much to do.  But, talk about awkward...we'd been together for about 2 hours, maybe, and we decided to go on the ferris wheel there.  Well, they make every. single. group of people take a picture before going on there.  Oh my gosh, I was so nervous about it, haha!  I'm awful about taking pictures with guys that I'm not 100% comfortable with yet.  So, anyway, just to remember the weekend, I ended up buying it online at a later day.  We've got matching double chins, how cute!
Soooo, there it is!  Our first official picture together!  Not long after, we were getting texts from our mutual friend that introduced us, so he told me to take a picture of us and send it to her.  It's probably the cutest picture ever, so prepare yourselves!
Is he not gorgeous?!  Ahhh, and to imagine that man is my Soul Mate, I got to have sex with HIM.  Swoooooooon!!  <3

Anyway, I'm really not trying to drag this whole thing out, I'm just trying to remember intricate details from 5 months ago!  So, we walk around a little bit after the ferris wheel, then head over to the hotel.  It was a really nice hotel, and he ended up spilling to me how much it cost him for the weekend...oh boy.  I wasn't happy about it.  Just because I didn't want him to spend that much, I felt bad!  But, it was kind of nice to be spoiled by a guy for once.  We were kind of exhausted when we got there, so we bummed around for a little bit, deciding what we were gonna have for dinner.  We ended up just going to Chili's since we were going to a fancy dinner at Morton's Steakhouse the following night.  Had a couple drinks there, ate our dinner and headed back to the hotel.  I was laying down on the bed because I was slightly tipsy and tired as all get out, when all of a sudden SM grabs my hands and says for me to get up.  So, I stand up, hug him and then.....*sigh* magic!  First kiss, first kiss!!  Ya know how sometimes when you first kiss someone, you guys aren't in sync and it comes later on, after you've dated for a little bit??  Not this time.  I've literally never experienced a perfect first kiss in my LIFE until that moment.  So, needless to say, he's a fantastic kisser.  So, after a little bit, we got in the shower (together...score!), cleaned up and got ready for bed.  But, not without sealing the deal first.  Duh!  First time I've put out on a first "date" and I am definitely ok with that!

Woke up Saturday morning, had some more sex, then went on our way!  We did lots of stuff that day and still didn't do everything!  We went to Sears (Willis) Tower, went to the Field Museum, Millennium Park and saw the bean thing, and just walked around in general.  It was gorgeous out, a near perfect day!  That night we had our fancy shmancy dinner, so I got to wear a dress and heels and feel pretty for a little bit.  It was delicious, oh my goodness gracious.  If you've never been, or if there is a Morton's near you, GO THERE!!  It is definitely pricey, but it's worth it...especially if you're there with somebody you adore.  After that we hit up the pool/hot tub area of the hotel for an hour or so.  He and I are both ridiculously sweaty people so we couldn't stand to be there too long.  Went upstairs, showered up, and proceeded to watch SNL while laying in bed.  Next thing you know, I wake up, haha...we apparently dozed off.  It was bed time!  But, of course, I wasn't going to bed, knowing we were saying goodbye tomorrow, without some more sexy time.  Aaaaand scene...

Sunday seems like it came WAY too quickly.  But, I enjoyed the time we had together.  We grabbed some lunch after leaving the hotel and then I dropped him off at his dad's.  His dad happened to be outside, so I got to meet him.  He's a shy man, but he's adorable and seems really sweet.  Plus, I always think it's super bad ass when parents have tattoos, haha.  Anyway, here's where things got weird.  I didn't cry.  IALWAYSCRY!  I didn't even get misty eyed when I left him to go meet up with my friend so we could leave.  What?!  Who am I?!  Honestly, I was quite proud.  Because normally I allow myself to get attached to someone, even at a distance, so easily.  And, for once, I didn't do that.  Good job, Amy!  Not that I wasn't going to miss him, because of course I was going to, who knows when I'd see him again?!  I just, I don't know, I think I realized that I couldn't do that to my heart once again.

So, we first "spoke" on May 11, had a hiatus of not really talking, then on May 20 was when we started texting regularly...and we've talked every day since then.  That's like a record for me.  Talking to someone for 6 months and we aren't even dating?!  Jeez.  I really am a different person!

The good news is, I get to see him December 1-4.  Heading down to Key West for our second SM weekend.  I am beyond thrilled, I am already preparing myself mentally to break down when I have to leave this time.  I think that's pretty good.  6.5 months of talking and I'm only now going to cry over him.  Go me!  But, honestly, there's going to need to be a talk happening while I'm there.  I get that he doesn't want a long distance relationship because of his past with them, but he can't keep punishing ME for that.  We practically ARE freaking dating for goodness sake!  I mean, minus the fact that I go on other dates as well, but that's his own fault...he made it clear that it's ok if we see other people.  Not that he has time, but I sure do.  I'll get into that another time.  Back to what I was saying...I really need something to come of this or need him to just tell me it's not going to happen, because I don't want to hold on to something that isn't there and end up falling in love with him.  That would be horrible.  Love is great, I love being in love...but it's not the same when that person isn't in love with you and isn't willing to date you because you're in another state.  He applied for NYPD, and if he gets it I'll probably move up near there...but who knows when that could be??  I feel like this is something I want way more than he does, so I need to get it off my chest when I'm there.  Wish me luck, because I'll need it.  I feel like I won't get the answer I want, and that's completely unfortunate.

In other news, I hate my job.  Ugh.  That's a post in itself.

That's my quick rundown of me and SM!  Hope you enjoyed and hope you don't hate me too much!


Normally I'm so good at keeping promises!

Oh my gosh, what is my issue?! I blame lack of motivation to sit in front of the computer after work. But, nonetheless, I made a promise and I now intend to keep it...5 months later.

I'm at work right now, but just downloaded the Blogger app for my phone...but, once I get home from work tonight, I fully 110% PROMISE I will update about my previous SM weekend and my next SM weekend, which is coming up in December!

Stay tuned...


Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm ashamed.

I know I've been BEYOND terrible at blogging.  I don't even have an excuse, other than pure laziness!!

Promise, promise, PROMISE to have an amazing post after this weekend in Chicago with the SM!!  You can count on that!!  :)

Hope you guys don't hate me!  :(


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here I am!

Oh my gosh, I'm back.  I have been so crazy busy!  And usually after work I'm just SO exhausted that I work out, shower, throw on my PJ's and do nothing but veg.

To give you an update though, things are going pretty great!  Well, in the dating part of life anyway.  Work is still a work in progress, but I'm not sure how long I want to have to work on that progress.  I take 1 step forward and 3983409283098234 steps back.  Frustrating!

So, I know I've mentioned my SM (Soul Mate) a few times, but let's get into the full story of this all over again so I can catch you up!  While I was in Florida for work training I met a couple girls, one was from Key West and the other from Maryland.  We were inseparable for the 5 days of training and have stayed in touch since leaving.  That was back  about 2.5 months ago.  The one gal, from KW, would tell me every day about how I reminded her so much of her guy friend in everything that I did.  I thought it was funny and interesting, because I'm a pretty odd bird.  She told him about me while we were still at training and nothing ever came of it.  Then she would randomly send me pictures of him when I got back to Ohio.  Here and there.  I thought he was SO freaking cute, I couldn't stand it!  I kept telling her to pass on my digits, but I think she might've thought I was joking because she never did.  Finally I was like "Hellooooo, pass on my digits to him!!"  And she FINALLY realized I was serious!  So she gave me his number and gave him mine.  I waited a couple of days to see if he'd text me, but I was tired of waiting because I just kinda wanted to see what this guy was all about, so I made the first step and just got it outta the way.  We probably talked for a total of maybe 30 mins and that was that.  I didn't want to be the only one texting him and seeming like an overeager freak so I just stepped back and let it go a few days.  Sure enough that weekend he ended up texting me before bed just to say hey.  Didn't hear from him the next day, even though he said he'd text me, so I text him the next night just saying hey and that I was sorry he had to work all weekend.  He got it in the middle of him sleeping so he forgot about it and text me a few days later apologizing for taking so long to get back to me.  We didn't really talk again until a couple days later when I was heading off for my date.  You may recall I said he and I text ALL night long.'s basically been non-stop since then.  EEK!!  We literally text from morning until it's time for bed, which we both end up going to bed way too late because we're too caught up in our conversation.  We talked for probably a week or so when we decided to have our first "phone date" and actually talk on the phone.  I was so nervous I almost couldn't eat dinner.  Almost.  I'm weird like that.  It is seriously wild how much we have in common!  I think our biggest differences are that I love the Cleveland Browns and he's a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, which are our rivals.  I gotta tell you, I'm more than willing to look beyond his horrible taste in NFL teams to see where this could go!

If I could describe my perfect guy, minus the Steelers thing, he would probably be damn near it.  He's super nice, very attentive, calls me on my days off while he's working just to chat for a bit in between calls (he's a cop), he isn't afraid of talking about serious things involving relationships...I mean, he's just AWESOME!  So, we were planning on when I could go down to KW to visit him and my friend, but I knew it'd be awhile.  I'm going to Cali in July and taking time off work for that, plus I paid a shit ton of money for the ticket.  Going to KW was going to have to wait until I saved up some more dough and PTO time.  Then out of nowhere he asks what I'm doing on June 24-26.  I mean, that was like a month away so I had no idea!  He said I should come visit him, and while I would've loved to KW was just not going to happen, as I've just stated!  Well, good thing he'll be in CHICAGO that week to visit family, so it actually IS possible!!!!!  It's only 6 hours from where I live!!  Oh my gosh, I am so freaking excited!!  An entire weekend away with the SM, this should be amazing!!  We have made a huge connection.  It's also nice to know that he's also been married and divorced, and also doesn't know if he wants kids.  Oh my gosh, talk about a soul mate!  It's hard to find that these days!  Some guys don't want "damaged goods" with me having been married before, and possibly not wanting kids is also a deterrent for some guys.  My last ex basically told me we WERE having kids, and I should've seen that as a sign to peace out since nobody is going to tell me I am DEFINITELY having kids, but I brushed it off.

Is this not so typical of me??  I absolutely would be the girl who hasn't met a guy in person and goes to spend a weekend with him in a city she's never been to.  Welcome to my weird life.  At least I'm not meeting a guy nobody has ever heard of before and spending a weekend with him...that would be a little too much!  Luckily I've got a friend who spends a lot of time with him.  I'm pretty nervous about the first meeting.  I already have butterflies about it.  I'm only going to be there 3ish days and I have already started planning out what I should wear.  I'm being such a freak about it!

We're supposed to have a Skype date tonight, this will be our first of those so of course I'm nervous and straightened my hair for the occasion.  What a dork.  It's just nice to have a guy reciprocate shit for once.  I was always getting walked all over, being the only one to do and say nice things, suggest doing stuff.  He's initiated all contact except the very first text, we can thank me for that.  I don't know, I am trying so hard to not get my hopes set too high, but I feel like it's already too late for that.  This has been such a strong connection.

Well...with that being said, I guess I should be on my way so I can mentally prepare myself for this Skype date!  Wish me luck!  ;)


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Earth to Amy!!

I know I've been completely MIA and I'm sure all 3 of my readers have missed me, haha, and I promise I'll do a real update soon I've just been sooooo busy!!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

The date.

Alright, I'm finally back from a full day of shopping and running around in this b-e-a-utiful weather!  So I'm here to dish about my "date" from last night.

It started off fine when he came to pick me up, but I immediately got annoyed with him because he had the windows down and I said "I'm going to put mine up so it doesn't ruin my hair" because we were getting on the freeway, and he acknowledged that I said that then 5 mins later at a stop light winds my window back down.  I thought he was teasing me, but actually he just wasn't even listening when I said I was putting mine up and had no idea that I had done so.  Ugh.  Annoying.  Then he asked why I'd had a hellish week so I started telling him about stuff that's been happening at work lately and every 10 seconds he'd interrupt me to say a stupid comment or try and make a joke....but I really hate when people do that!  Just let me tell my story and then you can be the center of attention, jeez!  The thing is, this guy jokes ALL the time.  I like joking around, I'm pretty sarcastic most of the time, but he's like overkill on that shit so it was annoying me.

We got to Panini's around 715 and he was surprised that it was crowded at 715 on a Friday...hmmm, shocking.  So we decide to sit at the inside bar because they had the huge glass doors open so we were able to feel the breeze and the nice weather without me getting burnt.  We got some drinks and after awhile I decided it was food time, I was starving!  He had to answer a work call, so while he was gone I got us menus and figured out what I wanted.  A little while later the bartender asked us if we were ordering and I did, he said he wasn't hungry.  When she walked away I was like "how are you not hungry??" and he said it was because he didn't work that day so he sat around all day and had eaten a little bit before picking me up.  Wow...oooooook then.  He asked me a bunch of questions about myself, most of which he asked me last Saturday when he asked me out, but he didn't remember the answers because he was drunk Saturday.  Man, this just kept getting better!

Here comes my favorite part of the night.  It's 2.5 hours into the date and he says to me, "I didn't really consider this a date until right now."  WHAT?!?!  Who seriously says that?!  If I didn't already know this guy and if he wasn't best friends with one of my best friends boyfriend, I would've been like, "take me the fuck home."  Anyway, I didn't feel bad about anything after that and I spent the entire rest of the evening texting with My Soulmate.  Eventually we had my friend come up there because she had a bad day and needed some friend time.  Then she and I ended up meeting some drunk girl in the bathroom and she came up to us at the bar and wanted to introduce me to her single guy friend she was with that is some sort of engineer so "he's loaded."  I entertained it and went out there and all that, but definitely no sparks there either.  Fail.

All in all I did have a nice time, but a nice time as in it was fine hanging out with him like friends.  As much as he talked to me about how he thinks I'm good looking and funny and nice and outgoing and whatever...he just didn't do it for me.  So, I'm more than happy to be friends with him but nothing more.

Now, as for things with My Soulmate...that's going awesome!  :)

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!!  I'm off to a wedding tomorrow!!


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Ok, I found out where we're going on our date tomorrow.  He spared no expense, he is going to blow all my other dates out of the water, he is really spoiling me!!  He's taking me to...........


Really?!  Panini's?!  Home of the overstuffed sandwich?!  Good golly miss Molly, I hope I'm allowed to have more than just water to drink.

I feel like this is SO typical.  A guy talks about how much better he is than every other guy, how you'll have a way better time on his date than any before...and then when it comes down to it, he takes you to Panini's.  Why not just splurge for McDonald's?  At least they have a Play Place.

I know I have no romantic interest in him, but he's the one who talked this date up like it was going to blow me out of the freakin' water.  Am I being too hard on him?

That's all I've got.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Girls Night!

One of my closest friends and I had a girls night last night and it turned out pretty fab!!  Well, the weather didn't make for a pleasant evening, but we made the best of it.  It was seriously so eerily foggy, I could barely see anything while driving!

So, we started off at a bar in Wickliffe to try something new, but it was a total bust so we had one beer and peaced outta there.  We ended up at BW3 which is way closer to our houses anyway.  I went to the bathroom at one point and all of a sudden my friend's talking to someone at the bar, turns out her boyfriend's best friend was up there for a few drinks as well.  He lives about 3 seconds away from there so he's there a lot, wasn't out of the ordinary.  I've hung out with him a few times, with my friend and her man of course, and the first time I met him he was soooo annoying!  He was already wasted and was standing, like on top of me and smacked my ass was so annoying.  Then the next time I saw him he was sober and he was SOOOOOO much better, it was like night and day!!  Then when we saw him last night he was better too, thank goodness!  So anyway, I guess he's talked about me to my friend a few times since first meeting me and last night he was asking me about my ex-boyfriends and dates that I've gone on.  Well, I've only ever been on 2 first dates in my entire life, both of which were when I was 25, and actually they were on the same day.  One was lunch and one was dinner.  That's it.  Never had one before or after since then.  Wait, I take that back, I did have another one, but it went nowhere and I knew it wouldn't.  I mean, just because I already knew him and he was friends with one of my friends doesn't mean he should be able to text during our date to find out the score to the football game!  Uhhhh, no.  Anyway, then he started talking about how much fun he thinks I'd have if I went on a date with him.  So he asked me out.  I was actually really shocked by that, I wasn't expecting it at all!  So, I'm leaving everything up to him, I don't feel that I need to plan anything, that's on him.  So this should be interesting.

Then, before that happened, I got a text from my "soul mate."  When I went to training for work in Orlando I met a couple girls, one is from Key West and she would constantly say that I remind her of her guy friend and that we must be soul mates.  So, finally a few months later, she gave him my number and me his.  We started talking last week, but I initiated it and don't feel like I need to constantly do that, I'm over doing that no matter how badly I want to, I resist. So he text me last night before he went to bed, just to say hi, which I thought was sweet.  And then he was going to bed and said he'd text me today, but he didn't.  But I'm not really sweating it.  He's a cop and I know he gets busy, plus it's not like he's my boyfriend, so I'm trying not to be a crazy person about it.

That was my weekend, I hope y'alls was enjoyable as well!!  I'll leave you with a few pics from last night!  :)

My girl and me.

Yummy Woodchuck!

Ryan and Kati.

Ryan, me and my boobs.

Hahaha, he thought I was playing nice.  No way!

Stare down!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I need this... I need air to BREEEEEATHE!!!!!

Need this, want this, must. have. this.

I'd pay a lot of money for Jason Aldean to take me for a ride on his Big Green Tractor!!

From one of his concerts I attended.  I'm convinced in this picture he is looking directly at me...yearning for me to meet up with him backstage.  That seems legit, right?  ;)


Monday, May 9, 2011

You say it's your birthday!!

Decided to try my hand at this whole "linking up" thing.  And I figured I'd start with the amazing Michelle at a little bit of this & that, even though I'm a little late in the game!!  Click the button above to link up!!

My birthday is February 6, which means I had a Super Bowl Sunday birthday this year.  I love when that happens!!  I share a birthday with a few famous folks, here are some that I know of:  Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, Bob Marley, Rip Torn and Axl Rose.  Pretty great company if you ask me!

Link-up questions:

-- how you would spend your birthday, if money were no object
I'd spend it in Australia with my closest friends!!
-- favorite birthday
I've never had a birthday that really stood out, so I guess my 24th birthday because it was right before I moved from California to Virginia and I got to spend it with some of my favorite people!
-- favorite birthday present you've ever received
I always love the presents that you can tell had the most thought behind them.  My best friend usually gets me something that I always say I want but never remember I wanted...if that makes sense.
-- most memorable birthday celebration
My birthday from 6th grade.  We went to this great place that you could play dress up and they had all sorts of weird animals.
-- birthday that you are looking the most forward to
Well, I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, so I guess none.  Every year is more and more of a let down, which is unfortunate.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bucket List

I've decided to start making a Bucket List...ish.  I add the "ish" because it's kind of just things I'd like to accomplish in general, not necessarily major things.  I haven't put too much thought into until very recently so I don't have many things on it, which means it's a work in progress.  But my question to y'all is this:  What are some of the major things on your bucket lists?  I could use some ideas and I'm interested to see what y'all hope to accomplish also!

Look forward to hearing what you've got!


Happy Mother's Day!!

Yesterday was Mother's Day brunch at mom's nursing home.  It turned out to be a gorgeous day, it hasn't been that warm in...well, I don't know how long.  So my siblings (2 of the 3 anyway) and I went up there to have some brunch and mimosas!!  It was hilarious actually, because the lady who was serving the mimosas kept stopping back by our table asking if we wanted more and naturally we did!  Normally it was my little brother who replied that he did and then she'd look at me and say "what about you?  I know you want more."  Why me?!  I'm the sweet and innocent one!!  But she was right, I did want more.  Even though I look awful because I got no sleep the night before, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!!  And maybe one day an entry will be about my mom; what happened to her and why she's in a nursing home.  Maybe...

Here's one of our stacks of mimosa cups.  We had 2 or 3 stacks throughout the 1.5 hours.

Kevey with Mary.  He's probably going to hell for that, but we'll blame his actions on the mimosas.

Mom and me.

Mom, me, Lisa and Kevin.

Lisa, Kevin, me and Mom.

All of us again, with my brother-in-law Nevada as well.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there!!  And may I add, better you than me.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Ex-Husband (part 4).

If you're just stopping by, you can catch up by starting here, then going here, and finally going here.

Alright!  Where did I leave off?  Right, so we were living the good life, exploring California and I was making friends!  Though our first year was full of trials and tribulations, we survived it, and in the end I think it made us so much stronger.  Then, as we got into the second year, things started taking a weird twist.

My Ex-Husband was becoming less interested in doing activities.  One of the guys in his shop played this game World of Warcraft (here on out referred to as WoW) and had a blast playing it.  My Ex-Husband wanted to try it out so he bought it and was pretty interested in it.  At first I really didn't mind, I had my BFF and other people to hang out with, so while he was playing that I was able to keep myself occupied doing other things.  And in March of 2006 my sister flew out to Cali and we all went to Vegas!  It was really fun, except I could tell that something was weird with My Ex-Husband.  Come to find out later it was that he was basically having withdrawals from not playing WoW.  I'd say late March/early April was when I really started seeing a change in him.  He became very withdrawn, never wanted to hang with our friends on the weekends, never wanted to go to LA or San Diego, nothing.  All he wanted to do was sit his ass in front of the computer and play WoW.  Like I said, at first it didn't bother me, but a person can only take so much neglect.  So when it got to the point where when he came home from work he'd instantly sit at the computer, BDU's and combat boots still on, I knew this was going to be a bad thing.  He would ask me to serve him dinner at the computer, he'd stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing, even though he had to be up early for work the next day.  That was his life now.  I guess because it's a fantasy world and it was more interesting than the real world.  There was this feature on the game where you could "chat" with the people on your team or whatever through a microphone.  So he got a headset that had a mic and headphones on it.  I can't tell you how many times I'd be watching tv ALONE and he'd saying something so I'd say "what babe?" and he'd point to the mic on his headset.  Oh...I should've known you weren't talking to me.

This went on for months, it got so tiring for me to watch TV alone and be rejected when I wanted to have sex with him because he was "in the middle of a raid, just 10 more minutes" that I'd just hang out with my BFF all the time.  Which, of course, then he blamed me that I was hanging out with her too much and I was becoming different., I'm just distancing myself from you because you'd rather fuck around on the computer than be a husband to your wife.  By the time July rolled around we were really bad.  We'd just moved into a newer house on base because ours were old and being torn down, and we were barely speaking...and obviously having no sex.  Right before we'd moved out of the house I told him I wasn't happy, we got into a huge fight at one point and he locked me in the bathroom with him so my BFF's husband couldn't come pick me up and take me away.  Then a few days later he came home from work and suggested we have a baby.  Oh, ok!  Because that will solve all of our problems, having another person for you to neglect, and leave me to be a single mother.  I'm ok, thanks.

I decided to take a vaca to visit a friend, but when my BFF went to take me to the airport, the ONE road to the airport (literally one road to get to this airport) was shut down because a tanker had turned over.  So, instead of a vaca away from Cali I just stayed at my BFF's house.  We got away for a few days and visited her dad's house in San Louis Obispo, which actually excited me because to get there you have to take the road that James Dean was driving on when he died.  I'm am in love with James Dean.  I digress.  My Ex-Husband found out that I wasn't actually out of town (he called the airline because I wouldn't tell him where I was going) and told me I needed to help him clean out our old house so it would pass inspection.  I decided to just do it, I wasn't trying to be ugly.  He picked me up and we headed over there, on the way I asked him if he could please take that game off the computer, he said yes.  I was excited, but I felt it was too good to be true, so I asked if he was serious and he said "hah, no."  Really nice, right?!  That's how much I apparently meant to him.  He chose a computer game over his own wife, the woman he swore he'd love forever.  I couldn't take it anymore, it was just too much.  Does anyone know what it's like to have a game picked over you?  How it feels to be an actual living, breathing human being and a stupid $50 GAME somehow seems better than you?  Well, it doesn't feel good.  I know people are probably thinking that it's easy to control that, that I should've told him he couldn't keep his subscription (you have to pay a monthly fee), but he made his own money and as much as I pushed him to delete it, he obviously didn't want to.  I really don't know how I could've forced him to stop.

We filed for divorce just short of our 2 year anniversary.  And in the state of CA it takes 6 months and a day from the day that you file for it to be finalized.  We went through a legal service to take care of all the headache of it and in March 2007 we were officially divorced.  I make that sound so easy.  It wasn't.  I had to deal with so much fuss from him the whole time until it was final.  He harassed me all the time, calling me a whore, saying I cheated on him.  Ohhhh ok, so now it's all MY fault?!  Ridiculous.  He actually told his parents that, so they basically never wanted to have anything to do with me.  I actually kinda feel like that hurt more than breaking it off with him because his parents were always such a positive part of my life and they weren't the ones who did me wrong.  To this day he tells people that he thinks I cheated on him.  Awful.  I realize he had to make something up to make him not look like the piece of shit who ruined our marriage, but come on!  You couldn't come up with something else?  That's a little dramatic.

So, that's the shortened version of my short lived marriage!  The funny thing is that we actually became civil with each other about 2 years ago and things seemed to be looking up for a bit.  He toyed with the idea of us getting back together...I won't lie, I considered it once he brought it up.  He even sent me flowers and a teddy bear for V-Day last year and I sent him a card...but then he goes back to being his childish self and I realize that I can't stand to deal with a child.

Next relationship we'll discuss is The Rebound.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Girls Rule, Boys Drool.

My friend from work requested another Girl Power CD because the first one was so amazing!!  This time I'm going mostly old school, here's what I've got:

White Liar - Miranda Lambert
Piece of my Heart - Janis Joplin
Cold Hearted Snake - Paula Abdul
Heart of Glass - Blondie
A Little Bit Stronger - Leighton Meester (from Country Strong)
Straightjacket Feeling - All American Rejects
You Lie - The Band Perry
Harden my Heart - QuarterFlash
Fighter - Christina Skankuilera
Stronger - Britney Spears
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
These Boots are Made for Walking - Nancy Sinatra
Here I go Again - Whitesnake
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Everything's Gonna be Alright - Bob Marley
You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
You're so Vain - Carly Simon

Hope she likes this one just as much!!  :)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A little recap.

It's weird, last week I actually had plans.  A lot of plans.  That never happens to me, remember I'm the boring girl!!

Monday, while I was leaving work, my gf called me and wanted to meet up for Happy Hour.  First of all, I'm not a big drinker, and second of all...I'm not a big drinker.  But, why the heck not?!  Sometimes you just gotsta!  Plus, it was one of the nicest days Ohio has seen, so I needed to enjoy it all I could!  So we had a few drinks and it was nice to just sit outside and soak up the sun.

Tuesday I headed up to a bar (this time no drinking for me) to see my friend's boyfriend do some comedy.  It was a good time, there was this one guy who was absolutely HILARIOUS, I was almost peeing my pants.  Then the closer was this girl who plays a ukulele.  She starts telling a joke and then says "I wrote a song about that" and sings some song that's hysterical.  My favorite was when she starts talking about her being in the Girl Scouts and goes into her song, then pauses and says "I forgot to tell you, this song is about how Girl Scouts are like prostitutes," hahahaha!!  I was DYING!!

I don't think I did anything on Wednesday, which was probably best because I got home so late on Tuesday night.  If I was smart I went to bed really early, or attempted to anyway.  I hate when I can remember something from just a week ago.  I blame it on all the guys I dated that had horrible memories and I had to remember everything for both of us.  That would make ones brain start to mess up, at least I think so.

Thursday I cleaned out my old car in hopes I'd be getting a new one on Friday!  Then I went to my sister's house for a sleepover, as usual.  Hung out with her and the bro-in-law and headed to bed after watching some movie...I think.  And I was too excited to sleep, I was up until 1am texting people who aren't on East Coast time.

Friday, as we all know, I went car shopping and fell in like with my car salesman...oh, and I got my new car!!  :)  So, ya know how I mentioned that my friend was the one who referred me to said car salesman? I came up with an amazing game plan with my sister!  First of all, you should know that my sister (who is almost 33) insisted we Facebook stalk the salesman as soon as we got back to her we did.  She was good about getting info out of him while we were at the dealership, but we didn't really know how to go about asking whether or not he has a gf.  So that's where the Facebook stalking came into play.  His page was private, unfortunately, and all we could see was that he was interested in women.  I take that as a least he wasn't gay!  It didn't say anything about being in a relationship, but who knows??  She said that since she's married she'll probably end up adding him on Facebook because it wouldn't be weird.  Sounds good to me!  I'm not on Facebook, so I can check him out through hers then, yesssss!!  Ok, way off track, back to my plan of action!!  I text my friend and said that we should meet for drinks sometime soon as a thank you, and when we meet for drinks I'm going to say something along the lines of "first of all, you should've warned me your friend is way cute so I didn't look like shit when I bought my car...and secondly, why do your guy friends never tell their female friends when they have good looking guy friends?!"  I know, it'd probably be a better plan if I told my friend to invite his friend, but I'm way too chicken shit for that, I'll admit it.  So, hopefully my plan has the result I'm looking for!  :)  Friday night I had another sleepover at my sister's because I was going to visit some friends the next day and figured I'd stay another night for shits and, we had to catch up on The Royal Wedding.  Thank goodness for DVR so I could fast forward through almost the entire ceremony.  Too much singing and such for me.

Believe it or not, I already put over 200 miles on my car.  I put 200 on it in just a day actually.  I was so excited!  My old car was such a rough ride that I'd hate having to travel long distances, but this baby is such a smooth ride it wasn't a problem at all!  So I went to lunch and bowling with one of my gf's for her birthday and then went to dinner with one of my besties and let him drive my car.  He was very excited!  :)

Sunday I did some day drinking with one of my gf's who is going through a divorce and her soon-to-be-ex husband is a complete asshole, so she needed some drinks!!  Then, true to my weirdness, I met up with this guy who was in town visiting one of his friends.  I say true to my weirdness because I had never met him before...we started talking through this app called "What's Good" and got along so we exchanged numbers.  Hadn't heard from him in awhile because I was dating someone, so I took him out of my phone, off my yahoo and all that.  Then I saw he'd been messaging me on Yahoo, because of some weird update they did on their mail where you can see your conversations, except I'd never gotten any of them.  Then I realized it was probably because he wasn't on my list anymore, so I added him and he happened to be coming to Cleveland that weekend.  So we met up for some Starbucks.  Don't worry, I made sure to check in on FourSquare where I was, just in case I was abducted!  ;)

I started my new position yesterday and it's slightly overwhelming.  But I think I'll get a routine down...sooner or later.  And then everything should be ok!  I also went to my gf's house last night so we could watch Gossip Girl together and my emotions were all over the place!!  Ugh, this show knows that they can have some shitty episodes and then have ONE amazing episode and suck me back in!!  I'd rather be addicted to crappy TV than drugs, so I'll deal with it.  Buuuut, we had some time before GG started and I realized that Rue 21 had opened up in our mall, so we went up there for some (possible) retail therapy.  I came home with the CUTEST pair of pink heels!!  They were only $20 and they made me feel pretty, so I couldn't pass them up!

My iPhone camera doesn't do them justice.  The lighting in my office is so crappy.  But, seriously, you get the idea...and how fab are these?!  It's love.

Well, that's as exciting as I get, I think.  Soooo...I bid you all adieu!  :)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

My baby.

Here it is!!  Looks weirdly almost purplish in this picture, but I assure you, it's "taupe grey" as the dealership calls it.  And I freaking love it more than anything!!  SOOOO happy!! :) :)

Still trying to determine whether or not it's a girl or boy and a name.  Any suggestions??  My last car was a girl named Cherry - it was red and I love cherry things, so it made sense.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


First off I'd like to say that I'm so glad Jess is back!! I can't believe hackers these days, goodness!

Secondly, I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!! She's beautiful, I looooove her!! I'll post a pic when I'm at my computer, I'm currently writing this from my cell. It's a 2011 Chevy Cruze (built here in Ohio, about 30 mins from me. Homestate pride!) and taupe grey. I am so excited because I've never bought a new car before, so I feel so accomplished!!

But, I need to share such an embarrassing story. My friend happens to work for a Classic car dealership, which there are like 10 of in my town alone, but he works for BMW and let's just say, I wasn't planning on going with that kinda purchase. But he knew someone at the Chevy dealership so he gave me a name and I went to see this guy. To my shock and excitement he was sooo freaking cute!! Why do your guy friends have other good looking guy friends and never let us in on that secret?! Anyway, he was also very knowledgeable and made me and my sister feel very comfortable, and 4 hours later he got me into the car I came to buy! I was trading in my old baby and just before pulling away my sister realized I'd left a CD in the player, so cutie said he'll go get it for me. I'm thinking of how nice that is until he starts walking back and my sister and I both realize that, sure enough, it's my oh-so-witty Girl Power cd!! Ya know, the one titled "Girls rule & boys FUCKING SUCK!!" Greeeeat impression, right?! Luckily he was actually funny about it, he said he had one that was just the opposite in his car, haha! But I was mortified.

Then we played a trick on our mutual friend, I told him his friend was a jerk and he told him I was mean...we had him going for awhile then he realized we were playing him, haha!

Ok, that's all I've got for right now. A real update (and the next installment of My Ex-Husband) is coming soon!! :)


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nice Little Saturday.

Today was pretty fab!  I went to lunch and shopping with my gay hubby and my seester!!  It was finally nice out today, so we went to Crocker Park and walked around the promenade to enjoy the beautiful weather!!  I got an clutch from DSW Shoes!!  Before heading out to Crocker my sis and I stopped at Target and I got two a-freaking-dorable bras on clearance for $4.98, what a steal, I couldn't pass it up!!  Can I just mention how annoying I find it that the cashier leaves hangers on things you buy?  I prefer if they ask, sometimes I want the hanger, sometimes I don't.  But for bras...yeah, I am def not hanging my bras on hangers when I get home.  Check out these beauties:

I turned my sister onto this nail polish by Rimmel called Steel Grey.  It's seriously the PERFECT color!  I'm obsessed with it and so is she.  She bought two of them last weekend while we were at Target, haha.  She's a nut!

Isn't it perfect?!
(I wish those were my nails, but they aren't.)

I'm currently sporting this other color by Rimmel called Cherry Fashion:
Fab, right?!
(Also not my nails.)

Last night I didn't have much going on and figured I'd make a "Girl Power" CD for one of the gals at work whose husband has just left her.  She's keeping on a strong front at work but I know she's suffering.  She had one of the other gals that we work with make her a CD with specific songs on it like "I Will Survive" and such, so I figured I'd surprise her with one of my own invention on Monday!  I also figured I'd make myself a copy of it since I'm also still suffering from my not-so-recent breakup.  I labeled mine:  Girls Rule & Boys Fucking SUCK!!  The back story to that is BFF has kids, a boy and girl with only 2 years between them, so we always team up on the boy and say "Girls rule and boys drool!" and he says the opposite to us.  I just kinda spiced it up and made it more adult.  Here are the songs that I put on her CD:

Red High Heels - Kellie Pickler
Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
Kerosene - Miranda Lambert
Independent Women Pt. 1 - Destiny's Child
Summer Girl - Leighton Meester
Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
L.O.V.E. - Ashlee Simpson
What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake
Move Along - All American Rejects
Best Days of Your Life - Kellie Pickler
Pocket Full of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
Lady Marmalade - Various Artists
The Climb - Miley Cyrus
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
E.T. - Katy Perry (just  because we like this song)

Do you guys have any other suggestions that I could maybe put on a second CD?  This is a typical thing I would do for someone, even if we've only known each other a couple months.  I love making new friends and I love doing things for people.  Even if I barely know you but knew you liked something specifically I'd be the one who would buy it for you if I were out and saw it.  So I like doing this kind of stuff to put a smile on someone's face, especially when I know they've been really down.

I hope everyone's having a fab weekend and have a very Happy Easter tomorrow!!  :)


Friday, April 22, 2011

Country Strong.

Ok, I have to get this out!  I recently rented Country Strong, actually I couldn't rent it fast enough, I was dying to see it!  I didn't have very high expectations for it, I liked the main song that was released from it by Gwyneth Paltrow entitled "Country Strong," but wasn't really sure the movie itself was going to be any good.  Holy shit I could not have been more wrong!!  That movie was  Like, literally adding it to my list of fav movies.  I even bought it a few nights later and downloaded the soundtrack ASAP.  I made a playlist that is just the songs from the movie (they also have songs from other country artists, but I'm mainly only interested in the ones from the movie or that the actors/actresses actually sing) and am obsessed with a few of them.  So, without further adieu, here are my addictions:

Me & Tennessee

Words I Couldn't Say

Give In To Me

Summer Girl

Timing is Everything

and of course
Country Strong

Honestly, this movie made me start to really LOVE Gwyneth Paltrow.  Make fun of me if you wish, but if you like country music, this movie is a must see!!



I hope nobody from work ever stumbles across this little beauty, I'd probably get my ass canned.

With that being said, I'd like to rant a little bit about my Executive Director.  He's pretty much already told me I have this promotion, so why I need to still have the interview and shit is beyond me, but I guess those are the rules.  Whatever.  Anyway, he's super thrilled that I decided to apply and step up for this job...mainly he's excited because now he'll be saving money in our budget.  Because with the other person leaving and me swooping in, that means it's one less person to pay since my old job will then be obsolete.  He literally told me this.  Thanks a lot douche bag!

At my work we have the option of a 4 or 5 day work week.  When I was hired on I didn't really get an option, the position was for a 4 day work week.  Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely ok with this! Especially considering I came from working at the airport which, in case y'all didn't know, is open every single day of the year.  Holidays, weekends, blizzards.  We're like mailmen, except we don't get federal holidays and Sundays off.  I digress.  So generally I work Mon-Thur from 7:30-6pm.  Well since this guy I'm taking over for is only here until April 29 my boss wanted me to get as much training in as I can and told me to go ahead and come in on Friday (today), even if it meant I'd have overtime.  Well, yesterday before my ED left he said something about how I'll be off for the weekend, right?  I told him I'd actually be there tomorrow so I could train more.  He says, " are you working a 5 day week then?"  This was at 5:49, the people who work a 5 day work week work from 8:30-5pm, so why would I still fucking be here you moron?!  I told him that this week I'd be working 5 days.  He mulls this over and says, "like...overtime?"  No you dip shit, I'm working for free.  Really?!  So I replied with something like, "well, yeah, I guess so.  Melissa wants me to get in as much training as I can since he leaves next Friday and I won't be here," and then I turned around and continued working on my background checks.  Fuck off.  If you're going to worry about the 6 hours of overtime you're going to pay me then you can kiss my ass.  I just do what I'm told by MY BOSS.  Thank goodness I have the nicest/coolest boss in the entire fucking world, and she totally had my back when he called her as soon as he left yesterday.  Totally knew that was going to happen.

I feel that I should mention that my ED somehow made a miracle happen by getting this job.  He knows absolutely nothing about any of the things we do and just kisses the Board of Directors' asses constantly.  And he doesn't do anything all day long except go from office to office seeing what people are doing and acting like he's working.  He makes me so mad!

Not to mention one day my boss called me into her office to tell me that "someone" had said I was on a personal phone call on my cell phone earlier that morning.  Ok, well it could've only been my ED because he was the only person who saw me on the phone that early in the morning.  And, news-fucking-flash dip shit, I was talking to our IT company because we were getting new computers and mine was the first to arrive and I was having problems because my email and printers weren't set up on it and I'm not allowed to set them up since I'm not an administrator.  Oh, did I mention I was on the WHITE phone at my desk, not my BLACK iPhone with a BLACK cover on it?  He just makes shit up, I swear!  And the only reason he even complained was because a tenant came in for an appointment and he actually had to help someone.  Heaven fucking forbid.  So I told my boss what I was really  doing and he had mentioned to her later that I looked like I was scurrying by him in the hallway.  She straight up told him that I knew it was him and that I was on the phone with the IT people on the work phone.  What does he say?  "Well, I didn't say it was a cell phone, I just thought it sounded like a personal call."  How did it sound that way?!  I was on the phone for a total of 30 seconds by the time you got to the front office you dumb ass.  And why didn't he just ask me?!  Do you not run this entire Housing Authority?!  No balls.  At all.  Ugh, douche.

Other than that though, I really do love my job.  Most of my co-workers are awesome and I love helping the people!  Now if we could just work on getting a new ED...

P.S. These are the two cars I'm looking at getting, they seem super similar to me, the Cruze and the new Focus.  Any suggestions/comments on whether one is better than the other?  This is my first NEW CAR purchase...if all goes well anyway!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I'm pretty sure I've never talked about my now life.  Well, a quick synopsis of me currently:  I'm 27, I recently moved back to Ohio in January and quit my job of almost 3 years to try something new.  I had been working for Hudson News, which are the stores in airports, and was able to transfer from VA to OH back to VA (see my About moi! section, I'm a gypsy!) but wasn't really feeling that I'd go anywhere at that place, which I was completely right.  After almost 3 years I'd only had a total of a $1.36 increase.  Fucking lame.  Anyway, when I moved back here in January I decided to job search and stumbled across an HCV Intern position at the local housing authority.  I'd never done any work for housing authorities, I barely even knew what Section 8 was, let alone Public Housing.  So, long story short I was helping with the caseworkers for Section 8 and Public Housing, but didn't have something I was really supposed to do everyday, just kind of whatever needed to get done for whomever needed the help.  Well, as of Monday we had an opening at work because one of the guys is leaving!!

As of April 22 I'll have been at my job 2 months.  And guess who's getting promoted and getting a very nice pay raise starting May 2?!  THAT WOULD BE MEEEEEE!!!  I'm SO freaking excited!!!  My official title will be HCV Certification Specialist II.  Sounds fancy, huh??  Basically I'll be dealing with the people on Section 8 who are already on our program and want to move to a different unit, who want to port-out to another city/state's housing authority or who want to port-in to our housing authority from another city/state's.  It's a lot to process and get used to, especially since I've just been doing intern stuff, but I'm SO EXCITED for this opportunity!!  Not to mention this pay raise is going to GREATLY help my cause in getting my NEW CAR!!!!  Oh my gosh, I'm so excited I could throw up!!!  :) :)

So, with that...I'm off to check out the local car dealerships stock!!  Mwahaha!!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Ex-Husband (part 3).

The two weeks back in Ohio were absolute hell.  My parents acted like I was doing this to get back at them.  For what, I don't know, but it was all about them.  Lame.  They ended up taking away my laptop since I wasn't going to be in college anymore, and my cell phone since I wasn't going to be theirs anymore.  So, I went to work and gave my two weeks and worked my little butt off as much as I could before time was up.  I hadn't told many of my friends, I usually keep big things like that on the mum until it explodes from all sides.  So I bid adieu to the ones I had told and to my (now) in-laws, then packed  up as much stuff as I could into my duffel bag, my parents ended up sending the rest out in boxes.  My Ex-Husband had managed to score us an apartment while I was away and knew some people who were getting rid of a couch that had a pull-out bed in it, good thing since we had NOTHING.  So, after the hellish two weeks my parents dropped me off at the airport and cried because of how much they were going to miss me.  Funny isn't it?  First they were so pissed at me and now they're crying...the truth always comes out!

Being that I barely knew/had seen My Ex-Husband before we got hitched, being gone from him for two weeks and coming back was nerve racking.  I literally had butterflies in my stomach, not because I was excited, but because I was so nervous!!  When we had spoken he had mentioned that he had always wanted his wife to be able to just be a homemaker.  That was cool with me, we only had the one car and he had a 20+ drive to base every morning, so it made sense.  Luckily since he was married we got money to pay for our rent and utilities, though it proved to not be enough on top of the money for gas and groceries and all the other things we needed.  I always loved my in-laws, which I'll probably mention frequently, and I was so surprised when they ended up getting us a $1,000 gift card for the BX (Base Exchange - pretty much like a Target or Wal-Mart, except on base, you pay no tax and everything is generally cheaper) so we could buy things for the apartment!!  How nice was that?!  Luckily we were able to score a king-size bed for only $600!  Freak yeah, no more sleeping on the pull-out bed!  Then we got some essentials: garbage can, computer desk, kitchen stuff, pots, pans, etc.  And then, when I thought they couldn't get better, his parents even bought us a kitchen table!  Coming from two relationships where the parents mom's didn't like me, this was completely foreign to me!  I swear, I called his parents far more than I did my own family.  They asked me to call them mom and dad, I mean, this was what marriage was supposed to be, this was what in-laws were supposed to be like!  I was living in a perfect world.

Well, the perfect world didn't last too long.  We were getting into fights about money because his account was constantly going into the negative and the money I'd saved up and brought with me wasn't getting us anywhere since we'd already blown it on stuff we needed.  So after a huge fight that had me walking around the city and him driving around trying to find me, we decided that I needed to get a job.  It had to be somewhere within walking distance since we only had the one car and he worked from 3pm-midnight, it also had to be daytime hours because I'm not walking home at 9pm!  I applied at a couple places in the area and ended up getting hired on at Subway.  It wasn't the best job in the world, but I needed something, so I took it!  Luckily I ended up getting pretty good hours and even though I was only making $6.25/hr I was making decent paychecks because I was working my ass off there.  I ended up getting a $.50 raise relatively soon after working there and was pretty stoked because I was glad they noticed how hard I was working.  I had only been there a couple months when my manager ended up training me how to do some of the manager stuff; ordering food, doing paperwork, closing, opening, etc., because she was going on vacation.  It's funny, I've often had jobs where bosses haven't been able to take vacation until I start working there.  It's nice being reliable!  :)  I digress.  We got lucky and ended up getting a house on base 6 months into our marriage.  For those who aren't familiar with how the military world works, if you get base housing you don't have to pay for anything except your extras, like cable, internet and phone.  No rent, no utilities, it's pretty damn nice!  Even though we were going to be living on base I kept my off-base job for awhile.  I did end up transferring to a Subway on base after some time.  Luckily the owner for the off-base one was the same owner for the two on-base.  I worked at both of the Subways on base actually.  After a few months being on base I ended up getting promoted to General Manager and rocked at it, if I do say so myself!

All the while, My Ex-Husband and I were getting along really well, and finally making decent money in the household!  We went to Vegas at one point to visit my father-in-law because he was there for business.  One night we were out to dinner and he said he had to go get his co-worker and that he'd be joining us for dinner.  Next thing I know someone is hugging me and it was my mother-in-law!!  I cried I was so excited!  See how much I loved these people?!  It was unreal.  It was the exact relationship I'd always hoped I'd have with my in-laws.  We did some exploring around Vegas (we were both under 21 still) and had a good time with his family.  We also did random small adventures like Universal Studios and Sea World San Diego, just enjoying each other and our time together.  We ended up getting a dog, Sydney, and she was the cutest little thing ever!  I love that dog.  Unfortunately right now she is with My Ex-Husband in Germany where he's currently stationed, which makes me sad.  Anyway, things were going really well and I'd made a few friends, though not many, and life was fucking GOOD.  I was ridiculously happy, it was probably nauseating for other people.  Actually I know it was, people would mention that when we'd hang out in couples, and they'd also question how he managed to land someone like me, haha.

After living there for about a year and after blogging quite regularly on Xanga, I had met a gal on there that also lived on base, her husband was a Marine.  We'd talked about hanging out a couple times but nothing really came of it, then one day she was going to be having a luncheon with some other Marine wives because their husbands were coming back from a deployment the next day.  I decided to stop by to finally meet her and hang out for awhile.  At one point her daughter, about 2 at the time, had a handful of crumbs from potato chips and handed them to me so I tossed them into my mouth, and that's when she says she knew I could hang and she could see us hanging out again.  That was the day I met My BFF.  We didn't really hang out that much at first, but after a little while we did.  We really started hanging out more frequently when things started going downhill with me and My Ex-Husband.

To be continued...


Sunday, April 17, 2011


I feel like a complete idiot, because I've just noticed you can have "tabs" on your blog.  SWEET!  Only problem is, I have no freaking idea how to actually do that.  Can anybody help a girl out?  Once again, I'm lost.  Idiot.


The Ex-Husband (part 2).

Unfortunately My Ex-Husband couldn't take much leave (days off) while I was there, so I was glad I'd joined that Yahoo group!  I met up with a couple ladies I knew from there and that kept me only partially busy.  The rest of the time I was in his barracks room just sitting around waiting for him to come back on lunch and after work.  But, luckily, he was able to get a few days off!  Mainly, if I'm being completely honest, because we had planned on eloping before I even got to California.  I wanted to get away from Ohio, I wanted to be able to be with him always and he wanted the same thing.  Not to mention, I was still in the thinking that if I couldn't make it work with My First Love who could I  make it work with, and figured that since this man loved me and wanted to marry that I should snatch him up while I still had the chance.  I was 20, I was young, I was thinking about the present instead of the rest of my life.  Not that I regret it, I don't regret getting married at all, I don't like living life with regrets.  I learned from it, as you'll see.

We went to the mall one day at started looking at wedding rings.  We came across a set from Fred Meyer Jewelers that was only $300 for my engagement ring, wedding band and his wedding band!  It was simple, cute and small...but it was perfect.  I have never been the type to want a huge rock on my finger.  It looks almost exactly like that picture, except the diamond on my engagement ring wasn't even that big.  But, like I said, wasn't a big deal to me, I loved my rings!  We had to get them sized, so it took a few days for that.  We got them back a couple days before the big day.  After we picked them up and went back to base, I was sitting in his computer chair, looking something up online, and all of a sudden he comes next to me and is telling me how much he loves me and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and he officially proposed!  I was pretty excited about that, because even though we knew we were going to get married, he still took the time to propose, on one knee and all.  I was bawling.

Of course I didn't know anybody out in California, so he had to ask a guy he worked with and his wife to be our witnesses and luckily this guy was the sweetest guy and took off work so they could come do that for us.  I was super nervous on the way there, the whole time during and afterward.  Mostly because I didn't know if I should be doing this, but I'd already gotten myself into it, so what could I do now?  Also because my parents didn't know and I knew they were going to freak the fuck out.  We had the guy's wife take some pictures for us, but it was on a disposable camera and I was new to flying so I didn't know you shouldn't put film through the x-ray machine.  Idiot.  So the only picture that even turned out decently was the one of us outside of the which the guy's wife had her finger covering the lense.  Ugh.  Afterward we pulled up to the guy and his wife's car to see where we should eat to celebrate our big day, when My Ex-Husband put the car window down, it completely fell off track.  Wouldn't wind back up, the motor for the automatic window was shot.  Great.

After getting back to base and up to his barracks room, I think I must've written something on my AIM status message about getting married because boy oh boy did my parents call REAL quick and bitch me out like it was nobody's business.  I'm the type of person who gets really nervous and anxious when someone is mad at them, so even though I knew this was going to happen, I still did it, and when it came time to pay the price on that, I was sick about it.  Not to mention I had to go home for two weeks so I could pack up my shit and fly back out to Cali since I was going to have to live there now.  With my husband.  So they yelled at me for awhile about why we did that, why we didn't tell them, why he didn't ask my dad for his permission.  Come on, like he would've said "yeah, go ahead and marry my daughter after 5 1/2 months," I don't think so.  Plus, I was an adult, I didn't need their permission!  Or so I thought, they felt otherwise.  His parents, on the other hand, couldn't have been more thrilled!  They loved me!  Before I had gone out to visit him, I would go to his parent's house to visit with them and his sister's just for shits and giggles.  His family was already more of a family to me than my own, as I'm not very close with mine in the first place.  I mean, his sister even called me before I came out one day because she thought she might be knocked up and asked if I could pick her up a pregnancy test.  She was getting ready to go to MEPS (that's where they do a medical exam) in a couple days, before heading to basic training for the Air Force and they test you there anyway, so she kinda wanted to be prepared beforehand.  Not to mention his parents ended up getting married after about 3 months of dating, so they more understood what we were going through than my parents.

To be continued...
