Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A little recap.

It's weird, last week I actually had plans.  A lot of plans.  That never happens to me, remember I'm the boring girl!!

Monday, while I was leaving work, my gf called me and wanted to meet up for Happy Hour.  First of all, I'm not a big drinker, and second of all...I'm not a big drinker.  But, why the heck not?!  Sometimes you just gotsta!  Plus, it was one of the nicest days Ohio has seen, so I needed to enjoy it all I could!  So we had a few drinks and it was nice to just sit outside and soak up the sun.

Tuesday I headed up to a bar (this time no drinking for me) to see my friend's boyfriend do some comedy.  It was a good time, there was this one guy who was absolutely HILARIOUS, I was almost peeing my pants.  Then the closer was this girl who plays a ukulele.  She starts telling a joke and then says "I wrote a song about that" and sings some song that's hysterical.  My favorite was when she starts talking about her being in the Girl Scouts and goes into her song, then pauses and says "I forgot to tell you, this song is about how Girl Scouts are like prostitutes," hahahaha!!  I was DYING!!

I don't think I did anything on Wednesday, which was probably best because I got home so late on Tuesday night.  If I was smart I went to bed really early, or attempted to anyway.  I hate when I can remember something from just a week ago.  I blame it on all the guys I dated that had horrible memories and I had to remember everything for both of us.  That would make ones brain start to mess up, at least I think so.

Thursday I cleaned out my old car in hopes I'd be getting a new one on Friday!  Then I went to my sister's house for a sleepover, as usual.  Hung out with her and the bro-in-law and headed to bed after watching some movie...I think.  And I was too excited to sleep, I was up until 1am texting people who aren't on East Coast time.

Friday, as we all know, I went car shopping and fell in like with my car salesman...oh, and I got my new car!!  :)  So, ya know how I mentioned that my friend was the one who referred me to said car salesman? I came up with an amazing game plan with my sister!  First of all, you should know that my sister (who is almost 33) insisted we Facebook stalk the salesman as soon as we got back to her house...so we did.  She was good about getting info out of him while we were at the dealership, but we didn't really know how to go about asking whether or not he has a gf.  So that's where the Facebook stalking came into play.  His page was private, unfortunately, and all we could see was that he was interested in women.  I take that as a win...at least he wasn't gay!  It didn't say anything about being in a relationship, but who knows??  She said that since she's married she'll probably end up adding him on Facebook because it wouldn't be weird.  Sounds good to me!  I'm not on Facebook, so I can check him out through hers then, yesssss!!  Ok, way off track, back to my plan of action!!  I text my friend and said that we should meet for drinks sometime soon as a thank you, and when we meet for drinks I'm going to say something along the lines of "first of all, you should've warned me your friend is way cute so I didn't look like shit when I bought my car...and secondly, why do your guy friends never tell their female friends when they have good looking guy friends?!"  I know, it'd probably be a better plan if I told my friend to invite his friend, but I'm way too chicken shit for that, I'll admit it.  So, hopefully my plan has the result I'm looking for!  :)  Friday night I had another sleepover at my sister's because I was going to visit some friends the next day and figured I'd stay another night for shits and gigs...plus, we had to catch up on The Royal Wedding.  Thank goodness for DVR so I could fast forward through almost the entire ceremony.  Too much singing and such for me.

Believe it or not, I already put over 200 miles on my car.  I put 200 on it in just a day actually.  I was so excited!  My old car was such a rough ride that I'd hate having to travel long distances, but this baby is such a smooth ride it wasn't a problem at all!  So I went to lunch and bowling with one of my gf's for her birthday and then went to dinner with one of my besties and let him drive my car.  He was very excited!  :)

Sunday I did some day drinking with one of my gf's who is going through a divorce and her soon-to-be-ex husband is a complete asshole, so she needed some drinks!!  Then, true to my weirdness, I met up with this guy who was in town visiting one of his friends.  I say true to my weirdness because I had never met him before...we started talking through this app called "What's Good" and got along so we exchanged numbers.  Hadn't heard from him in awhile because I was dating someone, so I took him out of my phone, off my yahoo and all that.  Then I saw he'd been messaging me on Yahoo, because of some weird update they did on their mail where you can see your conversations, except I'd never gotten any of them.  Then I realized it was probably because he wasn't on my list anymore, so I added him and he happened to be coming to Cleveland that weekend.  So we met up for some Starbucks.  Don't worry, I made sure to check in on FourSquare where I was, just in case I was abducted!  ;)

I started my new position yesterday and it's slightly overwhelming.  But I think I'll get a routine down...sooner or later.  And then everything should be ok!  I also went to my gf's house last night so we could watch Gossip Girl together and my emotions were all over the place!!  Ugh, this show knows that they can have some shitty episodes and then have ONE amazing episode and suck me back in!!  I'd rather be addicted to crappy TV than drugs, so I'll deal with it.  Buuuut, we had some time before GG started and I realized that Rue 21 had opened up in our mall, so we went up there for some (possible) retail therapy.  I came home with the CUTEST pair of pink heels!!  They were only $20 and they made me feel pretty, so I couldn't pass them up!

My iPhone camera doesn't do them justice.  The lighting in my office is so crappy.  But, seriously, you get the idea...and how fab are these?!  It's love.

Well, that's as exciting as I get, I think.  Soooo...I bid you all adieu!  :)


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