Wednesday, May 1, 2013


June 21, 2012.
Katie's friends from back home were down visiting and stayed with us a couple days then planned to spend some time down in Savannah. Well, Katie's bf lived relatively close to Sav, so we decided that the 3 of us would leave from his place and head out to meet her friends for an evening of shenanigans and then just all stay at Adam's casa, so we could get our drink on. Not gonna lie, I was pretty stoked because there was a chance I'd be seeing Aaron while over there. When we first arrived at the house, I immediately noticed Aaron outside on the dock...shirtless. Good lawd have mercy, I did NOT hate what I was seeing. But, because I'm a huge wuss, I decided to just stare at him from the safety of the house, where he couldn't see all the drool running down my face. I managed to snap out of it for a second and Katie introduced me to Aaron and Adam's roommate, Matt's, girlfriend. Jayma was a super nice girl and she was setting up streamers and stuff for Matt's return from Ranger school, but she had to get going so she could head down to wherever his school was to see him. Right after she left, Aaron comes strolling in the house and says something about me being too cool to come out and say hi...I just feigned innocence, "ohhh, I was talking with Katie and Jayma, sorry, I didn't even see you out there!" *LIES* Then he mentioned something about us being NBF's and I had to let him know...."Well, since Adam is my NBF, and I can't have two people with the same nickname, you're going to have to be NNBF for NEW New Best Friend!" He was totally down, SCORE! So, while Katie and Adam were in his room getting ready, I was chatting it up with Aaron. We talked about how he was getting promoted to Sergeant and how he'd been up since about 0400 that day, so he was really tired. I figured he probably wouldn't be interested in going downtown with us then, which kinda bummed me out, but I knew I'd see him the next day at the very least. We were all ready to head out at this point and we offered for him to meet up if he wanted, he said he might. Then, something I'll NEVER forget, when we said bye to him he said, "too-da-loo!" and it made me giggle. He would just say the silliest things all the time and it always gave me teenage girl giggles.

After a long night downtown, we headed back to the house. One of Adam's friends had met us out and he was a super nice guy...until he had too many drinks, then he just became aaaannoooooyiiiiiing! Well, he ended up coming back to the house with us because he'd had too much to drink and couldn't drive. *sigh* He was irritating me because he kept wanting to be all up in my business, so I made sure to sit on the opposite couch as him. Since Matt was still gone, I got to sleep in his room instead of on the couch, thank goodness, so I went in there to put my pj's on and came back out to watch some TV. Aaron had come in and out a few times, then one time he walked by in a towel after just taking a shower. Oh. My. Gah. I think that image is forever burned into my brain, and I am ok with that FOR SURE! I don't think I was exactly coy about my gawking either. Anyway, he kept walking by and I'm like, "so, do you wanna watch TV with us?" and he kept having things to do, like, ya know, putting clothes on, haha. And he had to go find his dog who wandered off a little ways. But, after that, he decided to watch some TV (thank goodness, so I didn't have to deal with creeper alone) and he sat on the little couch with me...WIN!! We got to chatting and he said he was going to be in my town on the 23rd to hang out with his brother and that we should hang out afterward. Uhhh, YES PLEASE! After a little while, we were both super tired and decided to leave creeper to watch TV alone, except he was actually just passed the eff out. So, we parted ways, him to his room and me to Matt's, then I remembered I had to give him my digits! So, I asked for his, put it in my phone and told him I'd text him. Once I did, while in different rooms, he was saying I should come hang out with him...soooo, I wandered into his room and we just talked, while lying in his bed. We started being all cuddly and being total teenagers with him saying stuff like, "I think I deserve a kiss on the cheek" and all sorts of just goobery stuff. Aaaaand, next thing ya know....clothes are off, lights are on and we are getting. down. to. business. It's SO weird...normally I am ridiculously self conscious about my body. Like, to the point that I've dated guys for as long as a year and they've only seen my butt ONCE. I'm just weird like that...but, when it came to Aaron, I NEVER felt that way. I could be naked with him, lights on, in daylight, and just be ok with it. He always made me feel SO good about myself. So, that was the night of our first sexcapade. Needless to say I didn't end up even sleeping in Matt's bed, hehehe!

Well, I think that's enough of THAT. Must shower now...and I might have to make it a cold one just remembering that night! :)

More to come.